Voter Information

Michael is seeking the office held by Senator Mark Dayton who was elected to a six-year term beginning January of 2000 which concludes in December of 2006.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Am I eligible to vote?
  • How do I register to vote?
  • Can I register to vote on Election Day?
  • Where do I go to vote?
  • Who can I contact to answer other election related questions?

Am I eligible to vote?

You may vote if you are:
  • at least 18 years of age
  • a US citizen
  • a Minnesota resident for at least 20 days before the election
  • not a convicted felon without your civil rights
  • not under guardianship of the person where you have not retained the right to vote
  • not legally incompetent

How do I register to vote?

Fill out a voter registration card and return it in person or by mail to your county auditor or the secretary of state.

Voter registration forms are available at county courthouses, city halls and other public buildings throughout the state, in many telephone books, in your state tax booklet (in even-numbered years) or by downloading a copy from the Minnesota Secretary of State’s Office website.

You may also register to vote when you apply for or renew your Minnesota driver’s license or state identification card.

Can I register to vote on Election Day?

You can register at your polling place on election day. You will need one of the following to verify your residence.
  • Minnesota driver’s license, learner’s permit, identification card, or receipt for one, with your current address
  • Tribal ID
  • If the Minnesota license, Tribal ID or MN State ID has a former address, you may bring a recent utility bill * to use with your license
  • “Notice of Late Registration” postcard
  • U.S. passport with a recent utility bill *
  • U.S. military photo ID card with a recent utility bill *

If you are a student, you can use:

  • Student ID, registration, or fee statement with your current address
  • Student photo ID with a recent utility bill *
  • Student ID if you are on a student housing list on file at the polling place
  • Someone who is registered in the precinct where you live who will vouch for your residence

* Note: The utility bill must have your name, current address, and be due within 30 days of the election. Utility bills may be for electric, gas, water, solid waste, sewer, telephone, or cable TV.

Where do I go to vote?

The Minnesota Secretary of State has a website which can help you find your polling place.

Who can I contact for answers to other election related questions?

Answers to other election related questions can be obtained by contacting your County Auditor’s office or the Minnesota Secretary of State’s office. Contact information for your County Auditor typically can be located in the Government pages of your phone book. the best site to buy replica watches online. High quality watches, unbeatable prices, and fast shipping!